Infant - Natural Gross Motor Development

Based on Montessori and RIE principles, we create an environment to encourage natural gross motor development where we don’t put a child into a position they cannot get into or out of independently and let them lead the way as they explore how to move their bodies. This creates not only confidence and independence, but allows the infants to follow a natural sequence of skills where each previous skill helps build the blocks, both physically and cognitively, needed for the next skill.

This student explores different transitional positions to prepare him for sitting independently. These photos were taken over two weeks.

Because he has learned how to get into the sitting position on his own, he has gained the strength, balance, coordination, and bodily awareness to sit unsupported.

He is now working on getting out of this position consistently but even when falling out of this position, he has built the strength to catch himself.

Infant - Natural Gross Motor Development,, The Montessori Academy of Arlington, Private School Arlington TX

He practices the transitional pose called the half sit. This strengthens his arms while he learns how to bring his legs underneath and in front of him.

Infant - Natural Gross Motor Development, The Montessori Academy of Arlington, Private School Arlington TX

He rocks back and forth on his knees, building the core strength needed to hold his body up in the sitting position while also preparing for crawling on hands and knees.

Infant - Natural Gross Motor Development, The Montessori Academy of Arlington, Private School Arlington TX

He loves doing downward dog! This pose strengthens both his legs and arms as he explores different ways to move his body.

Infant - Natural Gross Motor Development, The Montessori Academy of Arlington, Private School Arlington TX

Days later, this student can get into sitting position on his own! He begins the position by using his hand to support him.

Infant - Natural Gross Motor Development, The Montessori Academy of Arlington, Private School Arlington TX

He balances and centers himself and he is able sit unsupported and explore a material in the classroom.